
Wednesday, 11 August 2021

snow planet

 Yesterday me and everyone in my class and people from other classes went to snow planet . we got on the bus and we went to snow planet . When we got there we sat outside on the benches and then we went inside and we put on our gear . I showed them wat size I was and they gave me boots and I put those on and then I went and got gloves and I put those on and then after I put my gloves on I put on my helmet and then I put my shoes in my bag and I waited until we could get into the room . 

And when eveyone was ready we went into the room called winter wonderland and then we were being told the rules by one of the instructors and then we went to the sleds and tubes . I went on the sleds first after everyone was on the tubes and I grabbed my sled and I went down the lane and When I was at the bottom I got up and went back up and I went down again . And when I was going down  the lane I was going past people and then after I was done going down the lane with the sleds I went to the lane with tubes and I had a turn going down before it was time to  go . When it was time to go I took my gear off and I put it back and I put my shoes on and I put my bag on and we went outside and sat on the benches and we ate our lunch before we went back on the bus . 

Thursday, 5 August 2021

what I did when most of the people in my class went to the mud run

 Yesterday I came to school and it looked like everyone that was suposed to go to the mud run had left already  . I think they left so they wouldt' get stuck in trafic but when they were gone and school started there were only five of us left in the class but we werent' split into other classrooms we just answerd our name during the roll and after that we just did our work I was too busy reading my refugee novel I finished my  novel and then I did some work and then it was morning tea . After that we came back and ate our mornin tea then we read our books and then It was time for kiwican . Because there were only five of us we went with room ten after that it was lunch and we ate our lunch and we went outside to play .                         

After lunch we did our work and then we did our normal end of day routine and then they came back they were wearing their normal clothes not their school clothes but they were clean not coverd in mud and dirty and Mrs tofa asked how the mudrun went and they told her and then we lined up and we went home . 


 Today we did gymnastics our gymnastics coach told us what her name was and we started our gymnastics by trying to balnace on one foot we had to lift our other leg and then we had to raise it higher and I didnt' balance on one foot the first two times but then I managed to balnce on one foot and then I was also able to balnace on my other foot . then we had to some gynastics moves like happy cat ,angry cat , tuck sit ,L sit ,straddle and the motorbike sit then after that we got into a circle and we played a game where we had to be in the tuck sit position and we had to pass the ball around only using our legs then we split into two groups and we had to pass the ball around in the tuck postion and it was hard for me because I almost dropped the ball ut I saved myself by using my elbow to keep muself from falling . After that we were pratcing how to do handstands our coach did a handstand But I wasnt' able to do one I tried . And at the end one of us said thank you to the coach on behalf iof all of us and that was the end of our gymnastics lesson . 

Wednesday, 28 July 2021


 Today was we had kiwican and todays' lesson was about feelings and emotions and we plaed a game where you have to get in groups of 5 and you and your group has to think of a emotion to do a play about . Me and the group I was in did a play about a person being left out  and the other groups did plays about dissapointed and other emootions that people feel . And when we were having a diccusion mrs mac said emotions and feelings like bored ,lonley ,happy ,angry ,mad and we had to say wich ones were feelings and wich ones were emotions like bored is something you feel and mad is a emotion but some feelings can be emotions like happy is a emotion and a feeling or sad is a emotion and a feeling . today this is what I learend about feelings and emotions .

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Table tennis

 Today we had table tennis in the hall . when we got inside the hall we played table tennis on two tables and the girls played table tennis around the world on the third table then we got into a line and we played table tennis around the world . the way table tennis works is that we got turn to play aginst the table tennis coach  and when we were done we had to run around the table and we had to get to the back of the line . then when the girls were playing table tennis arond the world we were playing table tennis on the other tables . then we all sat on the floor and two girls and two boys played table tennis the girls played first and the boys played after then when they were done we went back to class. 

Tuesday, 8 June 2021


 Today we were doing maths and today we had a maths probem was that the slmi famliy were going to go to kerikeri in the weekend but mr slmi miscaculated the petrol and now the slmi famliy can only  travel  some of the way and then they will have to get more petrol and the trip from aukland to kerikeri is 244 km . then when we were done talking in a group our teacher put us into groups and then we started working on the problem . then when me and the group I was in sat on the mat and the other mat and then the other groups showed how they did the problem on the board and then when they were  finished we listend to our teacher and she talked and stared writting on the board .

Friday, 21 May 2021


 Today we were getting taught how to code by mrs fergureson . First we opend our chromebooks and we went to micro bit and we used this website to code things onto our mico bits we coded some numbers to put onto our chromebooks and we coded numbers onto our micro bit because we were going to use them for counting how many steps we took when we walked . So when we were done we took our micro bits and we put them in socks and we went outside and we walked around and the micro bit counted how many steps we took when it was shaking and when we took the micro bits out of the socks and we saw how many steps we took because there was the number of steps we took on the micro bit and today we learnt how to code numbers onto our micro bit that we could use to count how many steps we took

Friday, 14 May 2021

coding with python

Today I was doing coding on microbit and I used a coding languge called python and here is a screenshot of a flashing heart on a microbit .Next we made our names and how old we are and we used python for that too we also used python for making a happy face  and a sad face and we had a lot fun  of using the coding languge python on microbit and we did not need to use blocks to make things like a flashing heart or a happy and sad face . And in the end we got to play rock paper siczzors using our microbits. 

Thursday, 13 May 2021


 Today I learnt how to create a  floorplan  on a website called and I  have learnt about where to put the doors and where would the windows be and i have  also learnt about where the kicthen and the two  bedrooms and bathroom would be and how would the doors open from the inside or the outside 
when I grow up if I join the bulding industry I would want to be a builder.

Monday, 22 February 2021

Waitangi day poem

 Waitangi Day

Waitangi day is about the treaty 

I get a day off school what a beauty

Maori and British fought for land

Those were wars in New Zealand

Maori lost their land

It was taken from them

Their culture 

Their language

Almost gone 
