Today we were getting taught how to code by mrs fergureson . First we opend our chromebooks and we went to micro bit and we used this website to code things onto our mico bits we coded some numbers to put onto our chromebooks and we coded numbers onto our micro bit because we were going to use them for counting how many steps we took when we walked . So when we were done we took our micro bits and we put them in socks and we went outside and we walked around and the micro bit counted how many steps we took when it was shaking and when we took the micro bits out of the socks and we saw how many steps we took because there was the number of steps we took on the micro bit and today we learnt how to code numbers onto our micro bit that we could use to count how many steps we took
Friday, 21 May 2021
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Friday, 14 May 2021
coding with python
Today I was doing coding on microbit and I used a coding languge called python and here is a screenshot of a flashing heart on a microbit .Next we made our names and how old we are and we used python for that too we also used python for making a happy face and a sad face and we had a lot fun of using the coding languge python on microbit and we did not need to use blocks to make things like a flashing heart or a happy and sad face . And in the end we got to play rock paper siczzors using our microbits.
Thursday, 13 May 2021
Today I learnt how to create a floorplan on a website called and I have learnt about where to put the doors and where would the windows be and i have also learnt about where the kicthen and the two bedrooms and bathroom would be and how would the doors open from the inside or the outside
when I grow up if I join the bulding industry I would want to be a builder.