
Thursday 5 August 2021


 Today we did gymnastics our gymnastics coach told us what her name was and we started our gymnastics by trying to balnace on one foot we had to lift our other leg and then we had to raise it higher and I didnt' balance on one foot the first two times but then I managed to balnce on one foot and then I was also able to balnace on my other foot . then we had to some gynastics moves like happy cat ,angry cat , tuck sit ,L sit ,straddle and the motorbike sit then after that we got into a circle and we played a game where we had to be in the tuck sit position and we had to pass the ball around only using our legs then we split into two groups and we had to pass the ball around in the tuck postion and it was hard for me because I almost dropped the ball ut I saved myself by using my elbow to keep muself from falling . After that we were pratcing how to do handstands our coach did a handstand But I wasnt' able to do one I tried . And at the end one of us said thank you to the coach on behalf iof all of us and that was the end of our gymnastics lesson . 

1 comment:

  1. Good that you had fun in doing gymnastic Jino and I can see that there's a challenge move you struggle, hahaa. Next Jino ee. Good luck for that, and you are doing so good Jino, keep it up.


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